Wednesday, August 3, 2016

My take on Obama's Legacy (I)

His ascension to the position of the president of US and the number one citizen of the world was celebrated by many, especially black folks across the world (for obvious reasons) but accepted with cautious optimism by others. 

President Obama is charismatic and brilliant. As he bows out, eight years on, Americans have diverse opinions on his performance. To some, he has done well on the economic and other fronts while to others, he has driven the US into murky waters in many areas with with some regarding his presidency as a disaster. Although hailed by some, many see several of his policies as anti American and pro non Americans; kind of sacrificing the interest and values of Americans to please the rest of the world. 

This short piece focuses on the effect of his presidency on core American and Christian values (which are somehow intertwined) that we used to know. In a future piece, I will attempt to juxtapose the US Obama met and the one he is leaving, from other perspectives.

Personally, I feel Obama should go that in history as the President who did most in recent times to undermine and destroy Christian and core American values. I am going to give details in a future post but here is one example. Even though it is a liberal land of opportunities for all, everyone the world over used to know the US as a Christian country. That was until Obama came to inform us that the US was not a Christian nation. Christians, who constitute the majority in the US as at today had no voice and were at the receiving end of many of his objectionable policies. 

Although he sang in Christian meetings and maybe did some other religious stuffs, I can't seem to find any of his policies that impacted positively on the American Church. 

(To be continued)